Lloyd Martindale

Lloyd Martindale
Working on tile bathroom

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Choosing the right tiles

There are several factors that need to be considered when choosing the right tiles for your bathroom, kitchen or any other room in your house. Aside from having to choose among different colors and prints, you’ll also have to consider the different types of tiles. Choosing the wrong type may not only spoil the entire look of your bathroom or kitchen. The wrong tile type may also result in an easily-damaged counter top or bathroom floor, and could cost you a lot more in the long run.

The first thing that you should do when hunting for the right tiles is to figure out your kitchen or bathroom design. Different tile sizes, colors and types go well with certain designs but do not go quite well with other designs. When you have a look or design in mind, you can consult a Portland tile contractor as to the types and sizes of tiles that are recommended for such designs. To give you some idea on the types of tiles that you may have to choose from, here are three of the basic tile types and their key features.

Slate Tiles

Slate tiles are known for their rough texture and natural earthy colors. They are typically cut from a shale-type rock and can be quite heavy when piled together. Although they are predominantly available in dark colors, there are also reddish and yellowish varieties that are also available but more difficult to find. These tiles are generally not recommended for floor areas and work best for accent walls.

Ceramic Tiles

Ceramic tiles boast of having the widest variety of colors, textures, sizes and designs among all other tile types. They are produced by baking clay in a kiln and their quality depends largely on the quality of the clay that was used. are basically made of clay that are shaped and “baked” using a special oven referred to as a “kiln”. Ceramic tiles are probably the most popular and most common tiles found in kitchens and bathrooms, largely because of their low-maintenance and high resistance to water and heat.

Marble Tiles

Marble tiles are also as resistant and easy to maintain as ceramic tiles but are many times heavier. Due to their weight, marble tiles require additional support and are typically used for rooms on the ground floor, although a marble staircase has always been a coveted feature of any mansion or building. In the past decades, marble tiles have become more popular for kitchens and bathrooms. They work well with many designs including minimalist, modern and classic or roman-inspired designs.

These are but three of the different tile types out there. To get a more comprehensive summary of all the different tile types and how they can work for your remodeling project, its best to contact a Portland tile contractor near you.

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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Shurefire ways to improve your home's value

Like every homeowner out there, you’d probably jump at the chance of increasing your home’s value. The real estate market has been in a bit of a slump in most states due to the recent economic crisis, which makes it even more important for one’s home to compete well with other homes. Whether or not you’re planning to sell your home in the near or future, improving the value of your home is a good idea.

A higher home value will bring in a better evaluation for insurance and loans. At the same time, home improvements are always called for when there are big changes in your life or lifestyle. A new baby, for example, will require you to re-orient your home to be more child-friendly. A recent promotion may also mean more dinner guests, therefore requiring you to improve your home’s appearance.

There are surefire ways to improve and increase the value of your home. One of the best things to do is to identify improvements that carry a huge over-all impact. Examples of such improvements are bathroom remodeling and kitchen remodeling Portland. Next to your living room, the bathroom and the kitchen are the two rooms that are most frequented by guests and visitors. Unfortunately, they are also often the most neglected. But you can change all that by wowing your visitors with a splendidly designed kitchen or bathroom.

You must also check for items that may need repair in the kitchen or bathroom. This may range from leaking pipes to cracked paint and broken tiles. You may also realize that you need more storage space in your kitchen for all those pots and pans that are cluttering your kitchen counter. You should prioritize practical improvements such as these before undertaking any aesthetic improvements.

If you’re considering kitchen remodeling Portland, you’ll be happy to know that there’s no need to splurge out a huge fortune for it. You can change and update the entire look of your kitchen through simple but strategic improvements such as replacing the tiles, flooring or kitchen cabinets. Adding a new center island or breakfast nook may also breathe new life into an otherwise drab kitchen.

You can also achieve a big impact by improving large items such ceilings, walls and floors. A re-flooring can change the attitude and mood of an entire house, and walls can easily be updated with a simple paint job or a new wallpaper. Whatever changes you may decide to undertake in your home, remember to always seek out the help of a reliable contractor. A reliable and efficient contractor will be indispensable in bringing out the best value for your beloved home.

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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Homeowner's guide to bathroom remodeling

Classic. Rustic. Shabby Chic. These are but several of the many great bathroom designs that you may be considering when remodeling your old bathroom. If you've been planning this for some time, then you probably already have some great bathroom pictures tucked in your journal. Before proceeding, however, it’s always a good idea to build some know-how of how the bathroom remodeling Portland process takes place. This will not only help you choose the right bathroom design, but will also allow you to anticipate the costs and amount of time required to complete your remodeling plan.

First Steps
As a first step, make it a point to identify the extent of bathroom remodeling that you would need to transform your bathroom. You'll need to ask yourself what specific improvements you'd like to see in your bathroom, and which improvements are more important than the others. Do you want to get more natural light into the bathroom? Or do you simply want to get your own his and hers counter tops and vanity mirrors? Identifying the specific improvements that you want to make will be significant in determining whether you need a complete remodeling of the bathroom, or will only require a partial remodeling.  

Second Steps
Second, have a clear picture of the minimum improvements that you'd like to see in your bathroom. If you want to get more natural light into the bathroom, how much wall space are you willing to allot to new windows? If you’re thinking of enlarging your bathroom, then you should also have a clear idea of the amount of space you’re hoping to get. Setting down real and measurable demands will help make bathroom remodeling Portland easier for you and your family.

Final Steps
Lastly, let your contractor know your budget. This will allow your contractor to identify what design options are available for your bathroom, and will also determine the types of materials that they can use for your bathroom remodeling. Having a clear budget from the start will save you time and effort that may be wasted looking into materials and designs that are not applicable to your budget range.

A bathroom remodeling requires time and energy, and is almost similar to the construction of a new bathroom. You'll have to choose among different bathroom fixtures, tiles, colors, lights, and even bathroom lay-outs. Bathroom remodeling Portland involves substantial changes in your bathroom design. With the right contractor and interior designer assisting you every step of the way, however, it won't take much to get your dream bathroom in place. Watching your old bathroom transform before your very eyes will prove to be an extremely gratifying experience for you.

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